Multiple choices of payment methods and straight-forward payment procedures bring convenience to both customers and retail/wholesale vendors, while secure payment gateways are essential to reassure consumers that your retail website is legitimate and reliable. UUKA provides flexible options for payment and keep track of all payment movements to minimize your efforts.
Receive payment from customers
UUKA responds to issued invoices and receive payments from customers, supporting both full and partial payments by keeping track of payment status with reference to payment schedules.
Receivables and aging reports
UUKA is your private accountant to generate receivables and aging reports. Alerts are automatically sent to both you and your customers whenever there are impending payment deadlines and overdue payments.
Supports user defined payment methods
UUKA supports multiple payment methods defined by users. It also integrates the most common payment gateways that best serve your targeted cities, assisting you to reach as many international customers as you can.