UUKA does all the tedious paper works involved in the selling process for you. Now, creating and issuing sales order and invoices will never be troublesome but easy and flexible.
Create sales orders and invoices
UUKA creates ad hoc and regular sales orders and invoices containing all necessary details to be sent to relevant customers.
Support parcel shipment
Delivery is automatically arranged upon receipt of sales orders.
User-customizable invoice format
You can use our standardized sales orders and invoices templates or create your own with the simple tools embedded in the system, based on your company’s needs.
Provide sales report for marketing planning
UUKA generates ad hoc or regular (daily / weekly / monthly / quarterly / annually) sales report for you to review and monitor sales performances. Details are presented in simple figures and charts so that trends are clearly tracked and shown. UUKA also provides different sets of common Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) used in business management for your comparison with other UUKA users in the same industry. If required, UUKA will provide general advices on how to make performance improvements.